Tip 1: Use a good stainless steel frying pan or cast iron skillet
- The goal is steady, even heat, so you want to use a relatively thick pan.
- Allow time to preheat so pan is evenly warm over a medium heat and then high heat just before adding the smash burger.

Tip 2: Smash early and smash firmly
- For smashing your burger use a good strong sturdy metal spatula.
- Place onto the preheat pan/skillet, then smash down with the spatula.
- Use a second spatula if required to add extra pressure
- Cook without moving until a deep brown curst develops. This should take about a minute and a half.
Tip 3: Scrape it all, flip and finish cooking.
- The goal is a deep brown crust, so it is important that you scrape up your smash burger all in one piece.
- Use a sturdy metal spatula and scrape the crust off the base of the pan.
- If your crust has developed and the burger is properly smashed, it should take very little time on the second side.
- At this point add cheese if desired and it should finish cooking in about 30 seconds or so.

Tip 4: Finish and Enjoy!
Take you smash burger off the heat and dress your burger to your liking. Serve with a side and a drink. Enjoy!
Possible sauces for topping:
- Garlic Mayo
- Taco Sauce
- Burger Sauce
Possible toppings:
- Bacon
- Lettuce
- Cooked or Raw Onion
- Pickles
- Tomato
- Cheese
- Ballymaloe Relish